Post Judgment Modifications Family Law Attorneys in Bakersfield
Effectively & Efficiently Resolving Your Concerns
If you are unhappy with the court order you received regarding child support, child custody, or any other aspects of your divorce settlement, you can rest assured our Bakersfield family law attorneys can offer you a personalized solution to the problem—post-judgment modifications.
The end of a divorce is generally a sense of relief for all involved, but not when the settlement is unpleasant or unfair for one party in particular. If you feel the order was not just and deserves a chance at modification, we at Campbell Whitten want to help. Whether a radical financial change has occurred or if you believe the courts made a severe mistake in their original decision, we want to help.
Child custody and visitation are some of the most modified orders in family court, because they are the least permanent. So often, circumstances change and this makes it impossible for one sweeping order to cover years of a child’s life. For example, if one parent starts a new job and is required to move, the order will need to be modified to accommodate the needs of all involved. In more serious cases, such as abuse, drug use, or alienation, modification is a viable solution. The same circumstances apply for child support or alimony, when one spouse’s income drastically changes.
Contact Our Bakersfield Family Law Attorneys Today
At Campbell Whitten, we feel a sincere pride in helping our clients obtain the outcomes they deserve. Our Bakersfield family law attorneys don’t believe a court’s final answer should be taken as such if the decision is particularly unfair in nature, or if one party’s circumstances change. Our team is dedicated to advocating on your behalf, as we strive to be your voice in a time when you feel like there is no hope. We are determined to to help you feel nothing less than satisfied with the end results.
To speak to a representative of our firm today, call us at (661) 771-3077.